How to up your social media game during quarantine

How to up your social media game during quarantine

Right now clients aren’t looking at model agency websites or opening dozens of model agency packages. They are looking at model’s social media. In a never before situation of a global lockdown and millions of people quarantined to their homes, clients are forced to look for a different type of model. They’re looking for someone that can tell their story authentically and connect with us so we dont feel so alone. They’re looking for someone to entertain. A pretty face isn’t good enough. They want someone who can document it and get the shots done so they can sell their brand.

Models can choose to go into hiding during the quarantine and forget about business until it re-opens or they can seize an opportunity to jump to the front of the line. When the business comes back the models that have developed their social media story telling game will be leagues ahead of the rest of the pack. Here are some things you can do to up your social media game during quarantine.

  1. Bring us into your life at home during quarantine. The world loves you in magazines. This is a chance to show them who you are as a person whether it’s making zoom calls to your agent, working out in the backyard, practicing runway in the living room or taking out the garbage for your parents. People want to connect. Invite them into your life. You may not think it’s interesting but trust me we do.

  2. Entertain. Make fun and exciting content that entertains your fans, things that only you can provide. Record zoom calls with your other model friends, show us your mixed martial arts skills, give us weekly runway shows at home, show us the tricks you’re teaching your dog, give us weekly beauty tutorials. A lot of people are using til tok to show us their dance moves. Think of it as your own instagram tv show to the world. The ability to express yourself through your personality takes you high above the thousands of models with gorgeous faces and nothing to say.

  3. Get people involved. Create model challenges and pass them forward so more people get involved. Ask your followers questions and allow them to join the conversation. Give a call to action for others to join you in your quarantine workouts. Round up a group of you r favorite models and start something together so it picks up steam fast.

  4. Make a list of all the coolest things about you that you want the world to know about you. It could be you love to cook, you are a professional skateboarder, you read 800 page novels, you believe in UFO’s, you love cats, you’re a prankster, whatever. Post regularly on your favorite interests and mix them into your modeling work and people will slowly begin to remember that is part of your identity. Thats called building your brand. And one day a big client is going to be looking for someone exactly like you!

  5. Watch what the other models are doing. Take the time to learn from your competition. What moves can you steal from Kendall Jenner? What challenge is Gigi doing? Watching what other people are doing to gain thousands of followers by the day and turning that into big time money gives you a roadmap to beating the other models. If you accept that your portfolio and modeling pictures are good enough then you are way behind whats happening.

  6. Show the world how gorgeous you look even in quarantine. The lazy models will all have gained an inch or 2 in the hips or waist from eating doritos and watching youtube all day. Show the clients that are following you that you are in top top shape and can fit the clothes. Skin, hair, body everything.

So many models I talk to leave castings disappointed because they didn’t get the time or connection they hoped for with the client to really show who they are personality wise. This is your chance to do it your way. Bring the clients and masses to you. Take a risk. Have some fun.  Scream out loud. The world is bored looking for light to brighten their day. And clients have a job to do.  The stage is waiting. And so are we.

-The Supermodel Project

The rights for all images have been reserved.

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