"How to Attack Your 1st Fashion Week"

"How to Attack Your 1st Fashion Week"

You have been given the nod to come in for your 1st fashion week. Whether it be New York, Milan, Paris or London your blood is pumping, nervous with anticipation. This is your dream. Who will you walk for 1st? Calvin Klein? Versace? Will there be paparazzi taking pictures of you outside shows?

Hearing that your agency wants you to come for Fashion Week is one of the most exciting things a model can hear. But I believe 95% of the models have no idea what they are really in store for. They don't know really how many models they are competing with or how few slots they are competing for. They don't realize how tiring it can be with very little reward or chance of coming out making money. Fashion week and its castings are full of excitement for the big show but can very quickly turn into a depressing quagmire of waiting and waiting for some good news until there is no news left and people are packing up for the next city.

Here are a few things to prepare for and be aware of to attack your first Fashion Week with the best head and strategies.

  1. Stop by the agency as often as possible during the weeks of castings. Remind your agents that you are here and looking fantastic. New castings are constantly coming in and the reality is that people will fall thru the cracks. Agents are working day and night and are best reminded of who is in front of them when new opportunities come in from clients.

  2. Keep looking fantastic!! Whether you are on or off duty, always look AMAZING. Always give your agents an excuse to be inspired by you.

  3. If you have too many castings in the same block of time, ask your agents for a strategy so you know which are the most important. Be proactive!

  4. When in line at castings, watch the other models. Look at the their style. Look at their attitude. Decide what game you connect with and what game you don’t. Recognize the ambitious models who are there to charm and book and the ones who are lazy or don’t have any game to win the crowd. Who do you want to be? Which tricks will you steal to add to your game?

  5. Make friends. Its always good to have model friend alliances who can drag you to their request castings or invite you to a cool party. Build your networks and gain access.

  6. Bring comfortable shoes! Especially for the girls don’t expect to walk for miles each days in your heels. Wear comfortable shoes and change in your heels right before you enter the casting building.

  7. Bring snacks and water! Don’t expect to ever eat meals at traditional times during Fashion Week castings. Have little bits of fuel in your bag during long waits in line to see casting directors. You need fuel to keep your energy level up!

  8. Make sure you have credit in your phone or sim card. Your agents NEED to get a hold of you to book those jobs!

  9. ENERGY LEVEL UP. There are way too many models out there competing for shows. Each single casting is an opportunity to change your fashion week. Do NOT allow yourself to be one of those kids in thousands that just isn’t remembered or noticed. Sadly your face and pictures are not good enough to win.

  10. Make a friend out of your bunk mate. If you’re at the models apartment or even if not find a buddy that you can bounce ideas off of or ask questions. Or just hang out with. You got to have a buddy.

  11. Never be without comp cards. Don’t let a great go see turn into nothing because the casting director didn’t have something to remind you of who you are.

  12. FRESH BREATH. You will be meeting people night and day. If you have bad breath or body odor that's one great reason to not want to see you back as a casting director.

  13. If you’re struggling let your agents know. Wether it being lonely, finances, losing options whatever don’t be in that space alone.

  14. Dress warm (in the winter). Make sure to have plenty of layers. But take off all of those layers after you enter the building and before you enter the casting room. No casting director wants to see you peel all your layers off like an onion. They want to see a model with a great body and style ready to go. They don’t have time for anything else. Walk in that room looking like a million bucks.

  15. Have fun. You are going to be casting next to some of the most hottest and biggest models out there. Who cares? That’s totally cool. Just have fun and know that no one is like you as long as you show the funnest, most comfortable you. Have fun with the experience. Do not let it take you so seriously. You will get the show or you won’t and it will be decided by many more factors that concern you. At least let the clients leave you thinking “that kid might not have been ready but is pretty cool. I look forward to seeing them again."

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