How much should you be spending for a test?

How much should you be spending for a test?

Testing. How much does it cost? Every agency is different. There are free tests, there are tests that run around $250-350 and there are tests that are $1000 and up. So you’re wondering what is the difference?

Speaking at a New York level, I have always tried to get as many free tests for models as possible. I think it’s important for an agency to have a solid file of testing photographers that are young and developing that are willing to shoot models for free to develop their books as well. It works for everyone.In the beginning stages quantity is more important than quality as the model needs to practice constantly to hone their skills understanding how to move. So I don’t want to be building up a huge debt for them right away. As the need for quality images increases, at times we need to upgrade the quality of images. To get stronger images we often bring in photographers that we know are going to give us the pictures we want for the clients to notice. They charge more. In many cases this is a good investment. Finally there are tests that can cost up to $1000 or even more. In this case there should certainly be a full team for this shoot from stylist with clothes to a hair and makeup artist or groomer. Everyone is on board at a high quality level to get images that everyone can use for their book. Keep in mind for womens tests can often be around the $1000 range or sometimes even more the reason being that with women you need to have a groomer, a make up person, often a stylist so the parts need to be all there whereas with a male you can often get away with jeans and a t shirt. There could be a full team for lower paid tests as well. It depends on the photographer and the test.

2 important things to talk about.

  1. Your agency should make you aware of what tests are paid and what tests are free. I think its’ the right of the model to know when they are spending money. Not a lot of agencies do this sadly. I don’t agree but I can also say that we agents are just so busy it can be a lot to tell everyone and it can slip their mind. Some agents always do this as part of their culture. The important thing is to try and keep that communication level high with your agents and even tell them to try and let you know when you are paying for a test.

  2. It’s important for you as a model to begin to learn about these photographers too and see the difference between quality of what you’re paying for. Why am I paying for this test? It’s a legitimate question and it’s your business. Ask you agent to help you understand.

That’s about it. I hope this helps.

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