Frequently Asked Questions



I want to pass on the knowledge to inspire new stars to step forward. I’ve seen so many kids either not get their chance or delay getting their moment because they didn’t do it right or couldn’t figure out how to navigate thru the system. I know what gets the agents and clients attention and what doesn’t. I can help warp drive you from pt A to pt B to give you your shot NOW. Take a chance and read some of the content on the site. Determine for yourself whether you its worth it for you.

What I can do for you.

Lessons I can teach people include:
*How to get in
*How to understand the system
*Learn the tools you will need to make an impact
*How to excel and rise
*How an agent thinks in relation to your world & how to use it to win.

To achieve results.

You will need “how to information” that helps you move from point A to point B.

Steps you will need to take are:
*Getting into modeling/getting an agency
*What is the system, what is happening?
*How to build your skill set and succeed

As my customers take these steps, they will have to keep in mind:
*It's not for everyone.
*Even doing all the steps doesn't mean modeling will accept you.
*Fashion has no rules or rational. It's subjective.

One more thing..

Every time you use my services you are giving a tax deductible donation to The Supermodel Project fund which goes to making a global impact to under-represented communities. If you are interested in joining us in our projects please email

Why would you be interested?

The is the REAL DEAL. No other legitimate industry player at this level is putting this info out there. Everyone out there are small time players and modeling schools that have never been on the front lines of the high fashion or have true high fashion experience. Get it raw and real. No filters. Chase results. What is and what is not beauty in todays fashion world is a blood sport. Don’t be a victim of the game.

Common mistakes models make.

*Assuming they know what fashion people want
*Assuming that the things that are cool at home are cool in fashion
*Assuming their face alone will be good enough to succeed.
*Thinking that the work will just come to them and their agent will do everything for them.


I can help.

I can help you stop feeling so lost. I can help you understand what is going on around you. Get your mind connected with the business and understand it’s a game. Once you understand how it’s played you will be able to navigate through it and position yourself for the best chances of success.

If any of this sounds familiar, this site has been waiting for you.

Welcome to the Supermodel Project